
Tata Consultancy Services Limited, commonly known as TCS, is an Indian multinational company providing information technology (IT) services and consulting. Its headquarters are in Mumbai, and it’s part of the Tata Group, operating in 150 locations across 46 countries. As of September 2023, TCS has a workforce of over more than 616,000 employees worldwide.

TCS holds the position as the second-largest Indian company by market capitalization, and it is recognized as one of the most valuable IT service brands globally. Additionally, it stands out as the leading Big Tech company in India. In June 2023, TCS held the title of being the world’s second-largest user of U.S. H-1B visas.

In terms of recognition, TCS was ranked seventh on the Fortune India 500 list in 2021. Notably, in September 2021, TCS achieved a market capitalization milestone of US$200 billion, making history as the first Indian IT company to do so. During the fiscal year 2016–2017, Tata Sons, the parent company, owned 72.05% of TCS, and TCS contributed more than 70% of Tata Sons’ dividends.


Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) has a rich history, starting in 1968 as Tata Computer Systems. It began with tasks for Tata Steel and the Central Bank of India. Over the years, TCS expanded globally, creating innovative systems and acquiring Swiss partner TKS Teknosoft.

In 1980, TCS set up India’s first software research centre and, in 1981, the first offshore development centre for a client. Anticipating the Y2K bug, TCS developed a factory model for conversion and introduced Decision Support System (DSS).

From 2005 to 2016, TCS went public, entered the bioinformatics market, and achieved significant milestones, including high market capitalization and crossing $10 billion in annual revenues.

In the following years, TCS continued its growth, entering new markets, achieving record market capitalization, and receiving awards. Notably, it became the world’s most valuable IT company in 2020 and India’s most valuable company in 2021.

Recent developments include partnerships, a millennial makeover with a new tagline, and involvement in the Aadhaar digital ID program. TCS remains a major player in the global IT industry, consistently innovating and expanding its influence.

In 2021, TCS was one of the largest job providers in India, hiring 43,000 individuals in H1 FY22. In October 2021, N Ganapathy Subramaniam, the COO of TCS, mentioned that its platforms and products business is worth approximately $3 billion. TCS underwent a millennial makeover in 2021, changing its tagline from “Experience Certainty” to “Building on Belief.”

In May 2021, TCS, along with consortium partner Neurotechnology, was selected by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to provide biometric technology for the Aadhaar digital ID program. The Aadhaar program is known as the “most sophisticated ID programme in the world,” according to the World Bank Chief Economist Paul Romer, due to its existing database of over 1.3 billion citizens.

Ratan Tata and TCS:

Ratan Tata, the former Chairman of Tata Sons, the holding company of the Tata Group, has a significant association with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), one of the flagship companies under the Tata umbrella. Here’s an overview of the relationship between Ratan Tata and TCS:

  1. Leadership Role: Ratan Tata served as the Chairman of Tata Sons from 1991 to 2012. During his tenure, he played a crucial role in shaping the overall strategy and direction of the Tata Group.
  2. Formation and Growth: Established in 1968 as Tata Computer Systems, TCS evolved into one of the largest global IT services companies. Ratan Tata witnessed and contributed to TCS’s substantial growth and prominence in the IT industry.
  3. Tata Sons Oversight: As the Chairman of Tata Sons, Ratan Tata held oversight and influence over various companies within the Tata Group, including TCS. While TCS operates independently with its leadership team and board of directors, the Chairman of Tata Sons plays a key role in the overall governance structure.
  4. Strategic Direction: Ratan Tata’s leadership emphasized innovation, globalization, and strategic acquisitions. These principles likely influenced the broader strategy of TCS, aligning with the evolving trends in the IT industry.
  5. Tata Group Values: The Tata Group is renowned for its commitment to ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility. These values, nurtured under Ratan Tata’s leadership, are reflected in the operations of TCS and other Tata Group companies.
  6. Succession Planning: Ratan Tata played a vital role in the succession planning process, including the appointment of leaders for various Tata Group companies. This ensured continuity and stability in the leadership of TCS and other entities.

While Ratan Tata wasn’t directly involved in the day-to-day operations of TCS, his influence as the Chairman of Tata Sons and his vision for the Tata Group significantly impacted TCS’s trajectory and success. It’s important to note that my information is accurate up to January 2022, and there may have been developments since then.


Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) offers a diverse array of services, encompassing:

  1. Cloud Services: TCS provides comprehensive cloud services, aiding businesses in harnessing the potential of cloud technology for enhanced operational efficiency and flexibility.
  2. Cognitive Business Operations: TCS specializes in cognitive business operations, employing advanced technologies to refine and optimize various aspects of business processes.
  3. Consulting: TCS delivers consulting services to assist businesses in navigating challenges, refining strategies, and achieving their organizational objectives.
  4. Cybersecurity: TCS extends cybersecurity solutions to shield businesses from potential threats, ensuring the robust security of their digital assets.


As of September 2023, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) operated with a total of 51 subsidiary companies and had a presence in 55 countries.


India: TCS has operations in various cities across India, including Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Baroda, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Goa, Gurugram, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Indore, Jamshedpur, Kalyan, Thane, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, New Delhi, Mumbai, Nagpur, Noida, Nashik, Patna,[98][99] Pune, Thiruvananthapuram, and Varanasi.

Asia (excluding India): TCS extends its presence to Bahrain, China, Israel, UAE, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Qatar.

Oceania: TCS has operations in Australia.

Africa: TCS is present in South Africa, and Morocco (closed).

Europe: TCS has a widespread presence in Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

North America: TCS extends its operations to Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

South America: TCS has a presence in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Uruguay.


Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) stands out as one of the largest private-sector employers in India, ranking fourth among listed Indian companies for employment, following Indian Railways, Indian Army, and India Post. As of July 8, 2022, TCS boasts a workforce exceeding 600,000 employees. Non-Indian nationals within the workforce totalled 21,282 as of March 31, 2013, constituting 7.7% of the total employee base. Employee costs for the fiscal year 2012–13 amounted to US$4.38 billion, approximately 38% of the company’s total revenue during that period.

Throughout the fiscal year 2012–13, TCS onboarded 69,728 new staff, with 59,276 stationed in India and 10,452 positioned internationally. The attrition rate for this period stood at 10.6%, and the average age of a TCS employee is 28 years. The employee utilization rate, excluding trainees, reached 82% for the fiscal year 2012–13. In 2008, TCS ranked as the fifth-largest recipient of United States visas (following Infosys, CTS, Wipro, and Mahindra Satyam). In 2012, Tata Group companies, including TCS, were the second-largest recipients of H-1B visas.

Subramaniam Ramadorai, TCS’s former CEO, penned an autobiographical book titled “The TCS Story…and Beyond,” chronicling his experiences within the company.

Former CEOs of TCS

  1. F. C. Kohli: Co-founder and initial CEO and MD of TCS from 1968 to 1996, widely recognized as the “Father of the Indian IT Industry.”
  2. Subramaniam Ramadorai: CEO and MD of TCS from 1996 to 2009, and Vice-Chairman until October 6, 2014.
  3. Natarajan Chandrasekaran: COO, Executive Director, and CEO of TCS from 2009 to 2017.
  4. Rajesh Gopinathan: CEO and MD of TCS from 2017 to May 2023.
  5. K. Krithivasan: CEO and MD of TCS from June 1, 2023.

Top interesting facts about TCS:

  1. Founding and Pioneering Role: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) was founded in 1968 as Tata Computer Systems, making it one of the earliest players in the Indian IT industry. F.C. Kohli, often referred to as the “Father of Indian IT Industry,” served as its co-founder and first CEO.
  2. Global Presence: TCS operates in a staggering 55 countries worldwide, showcasing its extensive global reach. This expansive footprint contributes to its standing as a major player in the international IT services market.
  3. Massive Workforce: With a workforce exceeding 600,000 employees as of July 2022, TCS is among the largest private-sector employers in India. The company’s significant employment figures highlight its substantial impact on the job market.
  4. Diverse Services Portfolio: TCS offers a wide array of services, including cloud services, cognitive business operations, consulting, and cybersecurity. This diverse portfolio enables the company to cater to various technological needs of its clients.
  5. Recognition as a Top Employer: TCS consistently ranks as one of the top employers globally. Its commitment to employee satisfaction, training programs, and inclusive work culture has earned it recognition as an employer of choice in the IT industry.
  6. Historic Market Capitalization: In October 2021, TCS surpassed Accenture to become the world’s most valuable IT company, boasting a market capitalization of $170 billion. This achievement solidified its position as a key player in the technology sector.
  7. Notable CEOs: TCS has been led by influential leaders, including Subramaniam Ramadorai, who served as CEO from 1996 to 2009, and Natarajan Chandrasekaran, who held various leadership roles from 2009 to 2017. Rajesh Gopinathan took over as CEO in 2017 until May 2023, followed by K. Krithivasan.
  8. Innovation and Y2K Solutions: TCS played a pivotal role in addressing the Y2K bug, showcasing its innovative approach to solving complex technological challenges. The company’s contributions during this period positioned it as a reliable and forward-thinking IT service provider.
  9. Diversification into Bioinformatics: TCS entered the bioinformatics market in 2005, showcasing its adaptability and willingness to explore emerging technological domains beyond traditional IT services.
  10. Leadership in H-1B Visas: TCS has been a significant recipient of H-1B visas. In 2012, Tata Group companies, including TCS, were the second-largest recipients of H-1B visas, underscoring its importance in the global talent market.

For Ratan Tata Biography click here

Why TCS is better than other company:

Determining whether TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) excels compared to other companies depends on various factors and specific criteria that individuals or businesses prioritize. Here are some aspects in which TCS may stand out:

  1. Global Presence: TCS operates in 55 countries, allowing the company to serve a diverse range of clients and industries on a global scale.
  2. Scale and Workforce: With a workforce exceeding 600,000 employees, TCS is one of the largest IT services companies globally. This scale enables TCS to handle large and complex projects, offering a wide array of services.
  3. Reputation and Brand Recognition: As part of the Tata Group, a well-established conglomerate in India, TCS benefits from strong brand recognition and a reputable standing in the industry.
  4. Financial Stability: TCS has a history of financial stability and strong performance, reflected in its market capitalization and revenue. Clients and partners may find confidence in the company’s financial strength.
  5. Innovation and Technology Leadership: TCS is recognized for its innovative solutions and contributions to the IT industry. The company’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements may appeal to those seeking cutting-edge solutions.
  6. Diverse Service Offerings: TCS provides a broad spectrum of services, including cloud services, cognitive business operations, consulting, and cybersecurity. This diverse service portfolio allows TCS to address various business needs.
  7. Employee Talent Pool: With a large and diverse workforce, TCS has access to a vast talent pool of skilled professionals. This can be advantageous for clients looking for a wide range of expertise and experience.
  8. Client Relationships: TCS has established long-term relationships with numerous clients across industries. Building and maintaining strong client relationships is a crucial factor in the success of an IT services company.

It’s important to note that the perception of whether TCS is superior to other companies is subjective and depends on the specific requirements, priorities, and preferences of individuals or organizations. Other companies may excel in certain areas or offer unique advantages depending on the context and industry. Before making a decision, it’s recommended to conduct a thorough evaluation based on specific criteria relevant to your needs.

How to join TCS | Guide to Joining Tata Consultancy Services (TCS): Recruitment Process Explained

Joining Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) typically follows a structured recruitment process. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can become a part of TCS:

1. Check Job Openings:

  • Visit the TCS official website or job portals to find current job openings.
  • Identify positions that align with your skills, qualifications, and interests.

2. Submit Application:

  • Apply online for the desired position by submitting your resume and required documents.
  • Follow the application instructions provided on the TCS website.

3. Online Assessment:

  • Shortlisted applicants may undergo an online assessment.
  • The assessment may include aptitude tests, technical evaluations, and other relevant tests.

4. Technical and HR Interviews:

  • Successful candidates from the online assessment may be invited for technical and HR interviews.
  • Be prepared to discuss your skills, experiences, and how you can contribute to TCS.

5. Offer Letter:

  • If you successfully pass the interviews, you may receive an offer letter from TCS.
  • Review the terms and conditions and formally accept the offer if satisfied.

6. Onboarding Process:

  • Complete necessary paperwork and documentation as part of the onboarding process.
  • Provide any additional information or documents requested by TCS.

7. Training:

  • TCS often conducts training programs for new hires to acquaint them with the company’s culture, processes, and technologies.
  • Attend orientation sessions or training programs as required.

8. Joining TCS:

  • Once onboarding and training are complete, you officially join TCS as an employee.

Tips for Success:

  • Resume Preparation: Craft a well-detailed resume emphasizing your skills, experiences, and achievements relevant to the desired position.
  • Interview Preparation: Get ready for technical and HR interviews by practicing common questions and showcasing your abilities.
  • Research TCS: Familiarize yourself with TCS’s values, culture, and recent accomplishments for a more informed interview.
  • Stay Updated: Regularly check TCS’s official website and other platforms for the latest job openings and updates.
  • Professional Networking: Connect with TCS recruiters and employees on professional platforms like LinkedIn.

Keep in mind that the recruitment process specifics may vary based on the position and location. For the latest and most accurate information, refer to the official TCS website or contact their human resources department.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Tata Consultancy Services (TCS):

Q. What is TCS?

A. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is an Indian multinational IT services and consulting company, offering a wide range of technology solutions to businesses globally.

Q. When was TCS founded?

A. TCS was established in 1968 under the name Tata Computer Systems.

Q. Where is TCS headquartered?

A. TCS is headquartered in Mumbai, India.

Q. How many employees does TCS have?

A. As of the latest available data (July 2022), TCS has exceeded 600,000 employees.

Q. In how many countries does TCS operate?

A. TCS operates in 55 countries as of September 2023.

Q. What services does TCS provide?

A. TCS offers a diverse array of services, including cloud services, cognitive business operations, consulting, and cybersecurity.

Q. Who are the former CEOs of TCS?

A. The notable former CEOs of TCS include F. C. Kohli (1968–1996), Subramaniam Ramadorai (1996–2009), Natarajan Chandrasekaran (2009–2017), Rajesh Gopinathan (2017–May 2023), and K. Krithivasan (from June 1, 2023).

Q. What is the average age of TCS employees?

A. The average age of a TCS employee is 28 years.

Q. How significant is TCS in the Indian job market?

A. TCS is one of the largest private-sector employers in India and ranks as the fourth-largest employer among listed Indian companies.

Q. Has TCS received any notable awards?

A. TCS received the 2019 American Business Awards from Four Stevies, recognizing its achievements.

Q. What is the market capitalization of TCS?

A. As of October 2021, TCS surpassed Accenture to become the world’s most valuable IT company with a market capitalization of $170 billion.

Q. Are there any books about TCS?

A. Yes, Subramaniam Ramadorai, the former CEO of TCS, has authored an autobiographical book titled “The TCS Story…and Beyond.”

Q. What notable contributions has TCS made in the IT industry?

A. TCS played a crucial role in addressing the Y2K bug, developed innovative solutions, and has been a pioneer in the global IT industry.

Q. How diverse is the TCS workforce?

A. As of March 2013, TCS had 7.7% non-Indian nationals among its employees.

Q. What are the key geographical locations where TCS operates?

A. TCS operates in various locations globally, including India, Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America.

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