Introduction | Power BI Certification | Power BI Courses | Power BI Jobs | Power BI Salary | Power BI vs Tableau | Power BI Download | Interview Questions and Answers | FAQ


Power BI is a very important tool now a days, used by many companies to understand data. Whether you’re new to Power BI or experienced, being ready for interviews is important.

Power BI Certification, Courses, Jobs, and Salaries in India

Power BI Certification:–

Microsoft provides certification exams for Power BI. One important certification is the “Analysing Data with Microsoft Power BI (Exam DA-100)”. It shows you’re skilled in using Power BI to analyze and visualize data.
The cost of Power BI certification can vary depending on the specific exam and any associated preparation materials. As of my last update, Microsoft’s “Analysing Data with Microsoft Power BI (Exam DA-100)” certification exam typically costs around $165 USD. However, prices may vary based on factors like your location and any promotions or discounts available at the time of registration.

Power BI Courses:–

You can find Power BI courses online on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and Microsoft Learn. These courses teach you how to use Power BI for data analysis and visualization.

Power BI Jobs in India:–

There are many job opportunities for Power BI professionals in India. You can find jobs like Power BI Developer, Business Intelligence Analyst, or Data Analyst in sectors like IT, finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.

Power BI Salary in India:–

Salaries for Power BI jobs in India depend on factors like experience, skills, and location. Entry-level positions may earn between ₹3,00,000 to ₹6,00,000 per year. Mid-level positions could earn between ₹6,00,000 to ₹12,00,000 per year. Senior roles may earn more than ₹12,00,000 per year, sometimes exceeding ₹20,00,000 per year in top companies.

Power BI Download:- Click Here for Power BI Desktop

Comparative Guide: Power BI vs Tableau

In today’s data-centric world, tools like Power BI and Tableau have become indispensable for businesses aiming to analyze and visualize data effectively. Let’s explore how these two widely-used tools differ in straightforward language.

Power BI:

Power BI, crafted by Microsoft, serves as a data visualization and business intelligence tool. It empowers users to craft interactive reports and dashboards by leveraging data from diverse sources, including databases, spreadsheets, and cloud services. Here are some key aspects of Power BI:

  • Integration: Power BI seamlessly merges with other Microsoft offerings like Excel, SharePoint, and Azure, simplifying the process for users already familiar with Microsoft’s ecosystem.
  • User-Friendliness: Renowned for its intuitive interface, Power BI is accessible to users of varying technical expertise. Even those with limited technical know-how can swiftly learn to generate visualizations and dissect data.
  • Cost: Power BI offers a range of pricing plans, including a free version with basic features and paid options with advanced functionalities, catering to businesses of all sizes.


Tableau, another prominent data visualization tool, equips businesses with robust analytics and visualization capabilities to derive insights from data. Here’s how Tableau stacks up against Power BI:

  • Flexibility: Tableau offers greater flexibility concerning data connectivity and visualization possibilities. Users enjoy extensive customization options and can develop highly tailored dashboards and reports.
  • Scalability: Tableau is celebrated for its scalability, making it well-suited for large enterprises with intricate data needs. It efficiently handles vast datasets and executes complex calculations.
  • Community Support: Tableau boasts a vibrant user community and abundant online resources, including forums, tutorials, and training materials, facilitating easy access to assistance and skill development.

Comparison: Power BI vs Tableau:–

When comparing Power BI and Tableau, each possesses unique strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a brief overview of their disparities:

  • Ease of Use: Power BI is generally more user-friendly and simpler to learn, making it suitable for novices and smaller businesses. Tableau, on the other hand, offers advanced features and customization options, catering to seasoned users and large corporations.
  • Integration: While Power BI seamlessly integrates with Microsoft products, Tableau offers more flexibility in terms of third-party integrations and data connectivity.
  • Cost: Power BI provides more cost-effective options, including a free version for individual users. Conversely, Tableau tends to be pricier, particularly for extensive deployments.

Power BI Interview Questions and Answers:–

We’ll cover 50 common interview questions and answers for Power BI engineers and developers. We’ll provide detailed answers to help you do well in your next interview.

Q. What is Power BI, and how is it different from other tools?

Answer: Power BI is a tool by Microsoft for looking at data and sharing insights. It’s different because it works well with other Microsoft products and is easy to use.

Q. How do you connect to data in Power BI?

Answer: Power BI lets you connect to different types of data sources like databases or files. You can do this using built-in tools or by importing data from different places.

Q. What is Power Query, and how do you use it?

Answer: Power Query helps clean and organize data. It’s a tool in Power BI that lets you change how data looks and works with it.

Q. What’s the difference between calculated columns and measures?

Answer: Calculated columns are new columns based on other columns in your data. Measures are dynamic calculations for things like totals or averages.

Q. How can you make Power BI reports faster?

Answer: You can make reports faster by organizing data better, making fewer visuals, and using summaries.

Q. What’s a relationship in Power BI, and how do you make one?

Answer: A relationship in Power BI shows how different sets of data connect. You make one by telling Power BI how different sets of data relate to each other.

Q. How do you handle different types of data in Power BI?

Answer: Power BI can handle different types of data like simple or complex data. You use different methods depending on the type of data.

Q. What is the Power BI service, and how does it help?

Answer: The Power BI service helps share and look at reports online. It helps you work with reports even when you’re not using Power BI Desktop.

Q. How do you make a new calculation in Power BI?

Answer: To make a new calculation, you use a tool in Power BI Desktop. You write a special code to tell Power BI what to do.

Q. What’s row-level security in Power BI?

Answer: Row-level security is when you limit who can see certain data. You set rules so that only certain people can see certain rows of data.

Q. How do you handle it when data updates fail in Power BI?

Answer: If data updates fail, you figure out why it failed and fix it. You can also set up alerts to tell you when something goes wrong.

Q. What are Power BI dataflows, and how are they different from datasets?

Answer: Dataflows in Power BI help clean and organize data. They’re different from datasets because they’re for getting data ready, not for looking at it.

Q. How do you make a new table in Power BI?

Answer: You make a new table by writing a special code in Power BI Desktop. This code tells Power BI how to make the new table.

Q. What are some good ways to make Power BI reports?

Answer: Good reports are easy to read and understand. You should use clear labels and colors and put things in the right order.

Q. How can you limit who can see certain data in Power BI?

Answer: You can use row-level security to limit who can see certain data. You set rules for who can see what.

Q. How do you connect to data sources in Power BI?

Answer: Power BI allows you to connect to various data sources, including databases, files, online services, and APIs. You can connect directly or import data from sources such as Excel, SQL Server, Azure, or Salesforce.

Q. What is Power Query, and how do you use it in Power BI?

Answer: Power Query is a data transformation tool within Power BI used to clean, reshape, and combine data from multiple sources. It provides a graphical interface for ETL operations and supports advanced manipulation techniques like filtering and sorting.

Q. Explain the difference between calculated columns and measures in Power BI.

Answer: Calculated columns are created using DAX formulas and stored in the data model, while measures are dynamic calculations performed at query time. Calculated columns are used for row-level calculations, while measures are for aggregations and calculations in visualizations.

Q. How do you optimize performance in Power BI reports?

Answer: Performance optimization involves techniques like optimizing data models, reducing data refresh times, optimizing DAX formulas, minimizing visuals, and using summary tables.

Q. What is a relationship in Power BI, and how do you create one?

Answer: A relationship defines how data in one table relates to another. You can create relationships based on common fields by specifying related fields and cardinality.

Q. How do you handle different types of data modelling in Power BI?

Answer: Power BI supports various data modeling techniques like star schema and snowflake schema, chosen based on data source and requirements.

Q. What is the Power BI service, and how does it complement Power BI Desktop?

Answer: The Power BI service is a cloud-based platform for publishing, sharing, and collaborating on reports and dashboards. It complements Power BI Desktop by providing features like data refresh and sharing.

Q. How do you create a calculated measure in Power BI?

Answer: You can create a calculated measure in Power BI Desktop using DAX expressions to define the calculation logic.

Q. Can you explain the concept of row-level security in Power BI?

Answer: Row-level security restricts data access based on user roles or filters, ensuring users only see relevant data.


Understanding Power BI well can help you do better in interviews and work well in jobs. These questions and answers can help you understand Power BI better and do well in interviews. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Power BI:

Q. What is Power BI?

A. Power BI is a tool made by Microsoft for looking at data and making decisions based on what you see.

Q. What can I do with Power BI?

A. You can make graphs and charts to understand your data better. It helps you see patterns and trends in your information.

Q. How is Power BI different from Excel?

A. Excel is good for organizing data, but Power BI is better for making interactive reports and dashboards. Power BI can handle bigger sets of data and lets people work together on projects.

Q. Who can use Power BI?

A. Anyone who needs to understand data can use Power BI. It’s useful for people who work with numbers, like business analysts or managers.

Q. What kinds of data can I use in Power BI?

A. You can use all sorts of data with Power BI. This includes stuff from databases, spreadsheets, the internet, and even data that updates in real-time.

Q. Is Power BI good for small businesses?

A. Yes, Power BI has options for small businesses. It has a free version with basic features, which can be really helpful for small teams.

Q. Can Power BI show data as it happens?

A. Yes, Power BI can show data that updates in real-time. This is useful for keeping an eye on things as they happen.

Q. Is Power BI safe to use?

A. Yes, Power BI has safety features to protect your data. It can control who can see certain data and can encrypt your data so it stays safe.

Q. Can I use Power BI without the internet?

A. You can work on Power BI without the internet using a tool called Power BI Desktop. But to get new data from the internet, you need to be connected.

Q. How can I learn to use Power BI?

A. There are lots of ways to learn Power BI, like online courses, tutorials, and official training from Microsoft. You can also find help from the Power BI community.


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